26 Jan 2021 PAINT Conference Call

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Marc, Paul T., Anushya, Dustin, Huaiyu, Pascale

Discussion points from Pascale and Marc

Family reviews

PAINT tickets – there are still 170 open issues in GH and 3000 families require review in PAINT

  • For the required review families, a solution would be to categorize the changes during the automated updates, and use different review status to prioritize the review.
  • ACTION ITEM: Dustin will get a list of cases from library migration scripts where a "requires review" is added for a family. We will go through list at next meeting to decide priority/labeling.

Panther update

How many families do we expect to have to correct?

  • This will be determined after the migration to 16.0 is completed. The new review status will be implemented during the migration.


Balancing reviews & new annotations

  • Will not review those 3000 families labeled as "required review" from the PAINT automated updates.
  • Will continue to address the tickets, but prioritize the ones that point out mistakes.
  • Invite Val and Helen to one of the PAINT calls to explain the paint curation process.
  • Focus on new families with at least one human gene.

Stats for review

It would be important to count how many families we reviewed by year, for example checking families that had *already* been done and were curated again in 2020. We can brainstorm about that on the call

  • The current data structure would be difficult to track whether any modification in annotation is a review or a continued curation effort.
  • If we don't want to make any changes, we need a clear definition of "review" in order to implement in the process to gather the stats.
  • We will need to modify both the UI and the backend in order to obtain an accurate stats. This won't allow us to go back and recount the previous stats.
  • Anushya will provide a proposal at the next call.

New TAIR curators

Is there any way they can be introduced to the group, maybe attend one call? Also it would be nice to have their email in case we have questions about some plant families, it would be great to have access to their expertise.

  • Selena from Carnegie Institute won't continue the paint curation. Peifen from Phoenix Bioinformatics will start to do some curation in Feb. She is willing to help others by answering plant biology related questions.

Postponed to the next call

  • Improve annotation forward tracking. This is a topic we discussed at the last call. Sometimes nodes are not tracked between PANTHER builds due to the current rules. Huaiyu has proposal to improve the rules, and will discuss here.
  • Plan to migrate PAINT to PANTHER 16.