18 November 2014 PAINT Conference Call

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Revision as of 13:07, 18 November 2014 by Mi (talk | contribs)
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PAINT call Agenda and Minutes Nov. 18, 2014

Participants: Suzi, Paul T, Karen, Huaiyu, Pascale, Marc, Moni, Chris


Annotation of families for Synapse Jamboree

Please see email for the PDF files.

  1. Huaiyu assigned all genes to Panther families
  2. Huaiyu will mark these on the Google PAINT family annotation tracking as 'Synapse jamboree' https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uHgcaXO7t9__9GuXgBibT0H-YlnU252IsRGWIyhCWN8
  3. Karen will send Huaiyu her notes and Huaiyu will compile the information
  4. Huaiyu will send the list around, which family has been curated, and when

Source(s) for annotations from PAINT tool versus Protein2GO (Karen)

Deferred to Managers Call on November 19

Use NOT and STOP (Huaiyu)

When "NOT" annotation is used in PAINT to a node, there are several scenarios. The "NOT" annotation can be applied

  • only to the term, but all parent terms are still true.
  • to the term and some parent terms, while other parent terms are still true.
  • to the term and all parent terms.

Does PAINT support this right now?

Also, according to the user guide, we can use "STOP". Is it still supported by PAINT? I have been using NOT in a lot places that I was supposed to use STOP. I am just concerned these are incorrect representations.