AmiGO 2 Manual: Administration

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Now that you have successfully installed AmiGO, loaded the GOlr store, and gotten them talking, it's time to learn how to do some of the little things that are going to keep coming up.

Administration scripts

System messages and

./scripts/ --help

This script gives you control fine control of various types of system messages that can appear on the top of AmiGO pages, similar to the way that the AMIGO_BETA flag will generate a warning banner.

Hopefully the tool internal help is self-explanatory, so we'll go over some of the lower-level things.

The script creates and destroys files in the cgi-bin directory of the form:


For example:


The contents of these files are read into and displayed in the banner area with the Bootstrap colors defined by success, notice, warning, and error. The (optional) random sequence at the end allows you to have multiple messages of the same type.

The first three types of messages (success, notice, and warning) only create a visual element on the page. The final type, error, causes a 503 to be sent if the AMIGO_BALANCER variable is also set.

./scripts/ --help


./scripts/ --help

The purpose of this script is to blank the current kvetch.log--useful in debugging situations.


As mentioned in AmiGO_2_Manual:_Installation#Afterwards the Makefile has a lot of great uses for maintaining and working with your AmiGO 2 installation.


Google Analytics

This behaves as it did in AmiGO 1.x--all you need to do is add the appropriate ID to the AMIGO_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID variable in conf/amigo.yaml and then refresh or reinstall.

Last updated (footer)

The timestamp as appears in the footer is a little weird--in order to not have to parse the load log file every time a page is generated, the date at the bottom of the pages is generated and saved along the rest of the environmental information at "install" time, in the variable GOLR_TIMESTAMP_LAST (template variable last_load_date).

To update it, you'll need to periodically re-run the install script (or use the various make tools) in order to refresh the saved environmental variables.