AmiGO Hub: Group Meetings

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Amelia - Ben - Chris - Eurie - Jane - Rama - Seth If a meeting is skipped, Chair is NOT skipped.

next meeting

May 15, 2007

Next Chair


most recent meeting

May 1, 2007




Can we discuss the role of the meeting_chair tomorrow? Most of us assume that people remember these meetings and call/logon etc without reminders (Rama)


  • we will set up an email reminder (Friday morning Pacific US time). This will go to the HUB group with a reminder to send agenda items. There will be a link to this wiki page so that we can determine who the chairperson is. This is better than the chart (AWG meeting chairs) because we often skip a meeting. Ben will set up the cron job that sends the email.
  • meeting chair should add minutes on this page, and update next meeting chair.
  • If there are no agenda items, we can assume that there is no meeting
  • we would like to set up webx "working group" meetings to review other sites' methods and interfaces for the types of queries we will run. We should use Jane's flowcharts: AmiGO_workflows

past meetings

Feb 20th, 2007


None Specified


  • Ben - new servers on schedule, Stuart confirms we will switch over wed. afternoon (PDT)
  • Rotating meeting chairs debate: We will just rotate chairs week-by-week.

See: Revised Rota for chairing AWG meetings

  • Seth is tweaking autocomplete.
  • Jane does not like Princeton GO slim mapper - doesn't show division of GPs into slim catgories.
  • Seth not sure if Chris' API handles shows the genes mappings or just numbers.
  • dividing lines between amigo1/amigo2. - should slim mapper be integrated into 1.0 vs. 2.0.
  • Ben - if we release seperately, we should freeze dev. on amigo 1. Would people care if we stopped developing amigo 1.0? Similar question with autocomplete - we shouldn't back add this to amigo 1.0.
  • How complete is map2slim? Jane will look at it once Seth repairs it.
  • Comments on term finder - separate ontologies, other comments?
  • Demo of term finder - should we have filters by individual evidence codes? Should we keep them there for educational purposes? How to handle different types of identifiers? Even synoymns of valid go gene products? Expected outputs? Coming soon, connecting term finder and map2slim?
  • Wiki page organization screwed up by Category:Amigo working group. Jane will make a new Amigo working group page (w/out category)