Annotations removed as a result of Annotation QCs (Archived)

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Annotations removed or corrected as a result of Annotation QCs:

  1. No use of the NOT qualifier with protein binding
  2. Annotations to 'protein binding'; GO:0005515, should only be supplied with an evidence code where the interactor can be identified in the 'with' field
    • GOA-UniProtKB: 260 annotations removed. [30-APR-2010]
    • AgBase 3 annotations removed [05-MAY-2010]
  3. Reciprocal annotations for protein binding should be made
  4. Annotations to 'protein binding' should not use the ISS evidence code
    • HGNC: 65 annotations removed [30-APR-2010]
    • GOA-UniProtKB: 1618 annotations removed. [30-APR-2010]
    • AgBase 216 annotations removed [04-MAY-2010]

Annotations Queried as a result of taxon go trigger checks


Groups contacted as questionnable annotations were identified:

- SWIS: 10 annotations incorrectly ISS'd: deleted.

- DDB: 4 questionable annotations flagged to Petra. (email)

- REFGEN: 9 questionable annotations flagged to Mike. (SF orthologs tracker)

- MGI: 8 questionable annotations flagged to Harold (email)