Folding and Unfolding

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The folding operation creates a new application ontology on the fly, with each extended annotation materializing a new GO term. An OWL reasoner is used to automatically construct the graph in this new ontology. Application of this method can be seen as a stopgap to allow continued use of existing tools – the resulting application ontology, whilst logically complete, may be unwieldy for querying and browsing.

The unfolding method takes annotations to existing highly specific GO terms, and replaces them with an annotation to a more basic GO term, with the equivalent additional information now expressed as extensions.

When a new GO term is created, rather than using the annotation extension field

If a curator knows that they will be creating many annotations using a specific GO term and annotation extension then they will create a new GO term rather than using the annotation extension field.

The curator will also consider the placement of the new GO term, that will be 'created' by the use of the annotation extension field, within the ontology and will request a new GO term if the ontology created does not accurately represent the intention of the use of the annotation extension field. ie when there is not an appropriate annotation extension relationship available.

Examples of when a new GO term was created rather than using the annotation extension field [1] :

  • negative regulation of neuron death in response to H2O2 [2]

Examples of the folding of annotation extension relationships:

  • acts_on_a_population_of [3]
  • activated_by [4]
    • has_direct_input [6]
  • results_in_morphogenesis_of [9]