OBO-Edit: Making OBO-Edit Installers

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Revision as of 19:32, 3 December 2007 by Nomi (talk | contribs)
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These instructions are for OBO-Edit project administrators who need to make official OBO-Edit releases.

The OBO-Edit installers are generated by a Java installer builder called install4j. If you want to generate a new OBO-Edit installer, you will have to acquire install4j (which unfortunately is not free--we are investigating Open Source alternatives). You will also need to install JavaHelp.

Once you've gotten those installed, look at build.xml and make sure the location for "javahelp_indexer" points to your "jhindexer" executable. Also check the install4j properties and make sure those point to the right places. Next, make sure org/oboedit/resources/VERSION is up to date and put a brief description of changes since the last release in the CHANGES file in the main OBO-Edit directory.

You should now be able to say "ant installers" and the installers for each platform will be automatically generated and placed in the releases subdirectory.