OEWG 20090317

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Revision as of 10:13, 17 March 2009 by Amina (talk | contribs)
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OBO-Edit Working Group, Tuesday March 17th, 2008 9.30 a.m. PST
Conference call details:
US: 1-888-727-6732
Outside US: 1-719-867-3417
pin: 601425

Agenda/Chair: Midori
Minutes: Harold

Action items carried over


  1. b56 expected on Thursday 3/19.
  2. [ 2642262 ] can't delete term dbxref b55 - DONE
  3. Add switch to "Default Edit" and "Default Verify" Layouts: https://sourceforge.net/tracker2/?func=detail&aid=2657452&group_id=36855&atid=418257 - CLOSED
  4. Search has hits but no hitlist (b52): https://sourceforge.net/tracker2/?func=detail&aid=2588958&group_id=36855&atid=418257
  5. b55 unstable with fly_anatomy_XP.obo: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2637233&group_id=36855&atid=418257
  6. Option to turn off incremental reasoning In progress
  7. Graph Viewer 'Succinct' view - figure out working and add to user guide
  8. GraphViewer - asserted links should not require reasoner. DONE
  9. Investigate uncommitted text edit window showing up when not required. DONE
  10. Load error report display in load window: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2513220&group_id=36855&atid=418257 - In progress
  • Midori
  1. will compose email about OE2 release to be sent out about one week before release, which is March 23rd.
    • DONE composing
  • Working Group:
  1. Documentation Jamboree
    • This coming Friday 13th March, everyone please look over the documentation for the section(s) that you tested. Post comments to the wiki.


  1. will find out whether it is possible to collaborate with or accept funding from Microsoft Research without affecting the free open source status of OBO-Edit, and will also discuss it at the GO managers' meeting tomorrow March 11th.
  2. will look into whether a verification check for obsolete terms referred to in consider and replace by tags will serve the purpose of making the list easy to obtain


  1. David will submit a feature request proposing that the Description field of the definition dbxref manager is no longer inserted into the saved file.
  2. David will look into it further to determine the exact nature of the relationship loading issue for FlyBase Harvard.


  1. Documentation jam on Friday March 13th. Everyone should look at the documentation for the sections they tested and other sections as well if possible and add comments to the wiki.

Tracker items to be reviewed by the working group

  • All items above priority 5


user.dict should persist between sessions and should be backed up before getting rid of the config folder.

Discussion items

Working group:

  • Documentation jamboree comments
  • OE usability
  • Any outstanding bugs that are critical and need to be fixed ASAP.
  • ID Fixer ideal location to post replaced_by and consider tags information for obsolete terms.
    • Jen - I have looked into this and the ID Fixer is quite broken. Currently it seems that it is meant to handle substitution tags that point to obsoletes, and to fix situations where there are two terms with the same id. Currently it does not do either of these things. Also it seems to have two menu items, which makes OE2 look cluttered. I would like to propose that we remove both these menu items for the release. Post release I would like to move the substitution tag function to the verification manager, and the duplicate id function to obomerge. Does anybody have any thoughts on this proposal?
  • I would like to propose that for the OE2 release the default search settings should be that only result count is shown and that the result count is not prefixed with 'search results'. This makes the tab top much shorter which is far more convenient. I have already had to expain at length to one novice user how to change this and I think it would save time if it was the default.

Demo /Tips/ Tricks

  • Jen: Searching for only obsolete terms

Action Items