OEWG 20110315

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OBO-Edit Working Group Meeting: Tuesday, March 15, 2011, 8:30am PDT (15:30 UK time rather than 16:30 like usual)

Conference call numbers:
US: 1 866 953 9688
UK: 0808 238 6001
pin: 801561

Agenda/Chair: Nomi Harris

Bug and Feature Tracker Updates

Discussion items

  • explanation component not working
    • Did it ever work? Can anyone remember when?
  • merge sometimes loses text details; sometimes can't undo merge
    • This is a sporadic problem; not new to 2.1b10
    • I have not been able to reproduce this. Midori and Ramona have both seen it, but couldn't reproduce it reliably.
    • If anyone can give me a repeatable example of this problem, I will do my best to track it down.
  • Trying to help Paola to get her OBO-Edit behaving like Becky's. Problems with her dictionary. None of her problems appear to be OBO-Edit bugs.
  • have to click twice to view search results in text editor - This turned out to be another occurrence of a previously-observed issue where this happened to Harold when his oboedit_config/perspectives was out of date. Sure enough, when Ramona removed her perspectives subdirectory, it fixed this problem.
  • Michael Ashburner reported, "Every now and again a Tree Editor window gets the shakes, the terms spontaneously travelling up & down the window. This cannot be cured - except by killing the window."
    • This may be the same problem reported by Harold a few years ago: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2024992&group_id=36855&atid=418257 "When I select a term from a search, the tree editor moves to the term, but then continues to scroll up without stopping when I then touch another area such as the text editor. In fact, if I select a term from the search, the tree editor jumps to the term with it being on the top of the window. If I then so much has hover my mouse over the search screen again, the tree editor starts scrolling up again, no touch or click needed."
      • Harold reported that this never happened to him again. Has anyone else observed it?

Fixed since last meeting

  • Words added to dictionary in unedited term don't turn black immediately
    • If you are editing a term and OBO-Edit colors a word red because it thinks it's misspelled, you can add the word to the dictionary and then it turns black. However, if you loaded an ontology and there were words that OBO-Edit didn't recognize, adding them to the dictionary didn't make them turn black right away. Now fixed.
  • Repeated word warnings: warned about some repeated digits (e.g., "7.7-dimethyl-whatever"). Now all of the digits are in the allowed-repeats list.
  • Search term Filter returning wrong results
    Some filters give wrong answers unless reasoner turned on
    • Fixed: search aspects (Ancestor and Descendent) that require the reasoner don't appear in the Aspect list unless the reasoner is on.
      • Added tooltip to "in" label before aspect that says "Note: Ancestor and Descendent are available only if the reasoner is on."

Added notes to user guide about ancestor/descendent only being available if reasoner is on.

Currently working on

Next bugs to work on


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