October2010 Annotation Advocacy Report

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Making Progress with updating Documentation

Continuing to work on Col. 16 cell type documentation. A first draft should be available early November.

Hard QC checks

Two more hard QC checks were sent around the GO mailing list for approval.

1) Correct format of references should be e.g.SGD_REF:S000047763|PMID:2676709

2) The ND evidence code should be used for annotations to the root nodes only and should be accompanied with the reference GO_REF:0000015 or an internal MOD reference that is listed as an external accession in the documentation

Details of these QC checks are on the wiki

Soft QC checks

Started a wiki page for Soft QC checks (it is at the bottom of the Annotation Quality Control checks page- http://gocwiki.geneontology.org/index.php/Annotation_Quality_Control_Checks)

Signaling overhaul

A call focusing on the signaling overhaul happened on 18th October. The minutes are here

Annotation Jamboree

The annotation jamboree will be in November. Curators will annotate two papers on yeast transcription and send their annotations to Rama by 5th November. Rama will collate the annotations and a call-based discussion will happen on 8th November 4pm to talk about issues encountered during annotation. The details of the jamboree are here