Ontology meeting 2014-11-20

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Downloads page on GO website

Some time ago (before the Barcelona meeting), we mentioned that we may want to improve/increase documentation on this page - or is it ok as is now? http://geneontology.org/page/download-ontology

Related: Susan says that "FlyBase are finally switching from gene_ontology.obo to go-basic.obo. Would it be an idea to mention gene_ontology.obo in the legacy section in case folks are confused about this change. I haven't managed to find an official announcement about these name changes in gofriends emails though I could have missed it." and "Searching the new site with gene_ontology.obo gives no hits which isn't ideal."

What's in the cell and what's out

Chris to report - he set up a Google doc to discuss this some time ago. Is this resolved now?