Ontology meeting 2014-11-20

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Downloads page on GO website

Some time ago (before the Barcelona meeting), we (esp. Chris) mentioned that we may want to improve/increase documentation on this page - or is it ok as is now? http://geneontology.org/page/download-ontology

Related: Susan says that "FlyBase are finally switching from gene_ontology.obo to go-basic.obo. Would it be an idea to mention gene_ontology.obo in the legacy section in case folks are confused about this change. I haven't managed to find an official announcement about these name changes in gofriends emails though I could have missed it." and "Searching the new site with gene_ontology.obo gives no hits which isn't ideal."

What's in the cell and what's out

Chris to report - he set up a Google doc to discuss this some time ago. Is this resolved now?

(Chris, could you post the link to the Google doc here if needed, thanks.)

Propagation of intersections to relationships

Why isn't this part of the pipeline? Is it just because we have a tradition of manually saying everything twice (once a logical def and once in a relationship)?

See https://sourceforge.net/p/geneontology/ontology-requests/11311/ for example.

Follow-up: Relationships (Annotation extensions)

Where are we with this: "We will have the has_input meeting next Monday [i.e. 3 days ago]. Once we are done, we need to go back to the annotators and report about which will be valid for use. Will the RO definitions be of use for annotators? We need a person from the annotation group and the ontology group to get together to make sure both are the same, David OS and Ruth."

Background here: http://wiki.geneontology.org/index.php/Ontology_meeting_2014-11-13#Follow-up:_Relationships

Action items for ontology team from GOC meeting

Paola to report.

Ontology term for protein family / protein domain (family)

Tony S is redoing imports for QuickGO and trying to be as ontology compliant as possible in how things are typed for import (JIRA ticket here: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/panda/jira/browse/GO-322)

I've pursuaded him that in most cases, he should be able to use an existing foundry ontology class. But there are still a few cases where we don't have an obvious term. In particular, what do Panther IDs and InterPro IDs refer to?

It is not particularly useful to have them refer to proteins and protein domains respectively - as Tony wants to distinguish from a protein in a specific species. If we say that Panther IDs refer to classes of protein, then we would type using an ID for protein. But perhaps it is better to treat protein family as some kind of information artefact - or in OWL terms as a individual with members rather than a class?

AI from last week: Judy, Chris and Cathy will talk about this and coordinate once Chris gets back.