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This is a list of questions that arose while PAINTing PTHR10981.

Questions for MOD curators

Cellular component

All organisms

  • Question: Organisms that annotate to "lysosome" or other membrane-bound compartments: Can you specify "membrane" or "integral to membrane" in these compartments?
    • Curator answer: Insert answer here.
      • FlyBase: On reviewing this I managed to add a new experimental lysosome annotation for Drosophila from PMID:19028667 but could not specify "membrane" or "integral to membrane" terms from this paper. The authors in this 2009 paper comment, "The exact localization of CLN3 remains undefined despite examination of its distribution in a number of studies." Susan
      • GOA (Human): I have updated the annotation to lysosomal membrane after re-reading PMID:9384607

Biological Process


  • Question: Is there a more specific term than GO:0051453 "regulation of intracellular pH" that can be used based on PMID 10924275, "CLN3 protein regulates lysosomal pH and alters intracellular processing..." which states, "CLN3 protein increases lysosomal pH in cultured human embryonal kidney cells." Should there be a new term?
    • Curator answer: Have requested new terms for 'regulation of lysosomal pH', 'lysosomal pH reduction' and 'lysosomal pH elevation' with a view to annotate CLN3 with the 'lysosomal pH elevation' term.