Panther ID:11829

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FOXE1/Forkhead/Forkhead box family


SourceForge Link

PPOD/OrthoMCL link

Molecular Function: DONE


1) transcription factor activity (GO:0003700)

Up-propagation to common ancestor node AN24, down-propagation to the following Ref Genome proteins:




because of positive experimental annotations to




Cellular Component:

SourceForge notes:

Nucleus (human, rat) - ISS to mouse?

Mouse has no component annotation

Biological Process:

SourceForge notes: Both -ve and +ve regulation of transcription terms are present, but from looking at papers this seems OK.

-ve regulation of transcription - rat IDA, mouse ISS - ISS to human?

+ve regulation of transcription human IDA, rat ISS - ISS to mouse?

Thyroid gland development (human IMP, mouse IMP, rat ISS)

Hard palate development - human IMP, rat ISS - ISS to mouse?

Soft palate development - human IMP, rat ISS - ISS to mouse?

cell migration - mouse IMP, rat ISS - ISS to human?

embryonic organ and hair follicle morphogenesis terms - Mouse IMP, rat ISS - ISS to human?

thyroid hormone generation - mouse IMP, rat ISS - ISS to human?

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