Submit GO annotations

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What is needed to submit GO annotations to the GOC

GO annotations are disseminated in a 17 column tab de-limited GAF 2.0 format. But the following bits of information are sufficient to complete/make a GAF file. You can choose to construct a GAF file or simply contact the GOC at for step-by-step assistance

Minimum information needed to make a GAF file:
1) Stable IDs for the gene products or objects that are being annotated. If the gene product IDs are not in UniProt or NCBI, please submit the IDs to one of these databases 3) GO ID that each gene product can be associated with 4) Evidence that allows you to make the association 5) Reference (published paper or reference describing the methodology used to make the geneproductToGOterm association) 6) taxon_id for the gene products for which the associations are made