Transcription jamboree

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Examples for discussion at electronic Transcription Jamboree

Resources for curators

  • Karen's curation manual

When do we have enough data for a MF annotation?

i) PMID 11486045 [VK] - Fig 2 - this data would have been previously annotated to the now obsolete term GO:0016564 transcription repressor activity.

- can we can we annotate to anything more than the biological process: 'GO:00045892; negative regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent', and 'DNA binding' as the molecular function?

- There is no indication anymore in the available MF terms of a proteins repressor activity, concerns about losing this information.

- if we can discribe the binding of a protein as activating transcription in the molecular function ontology (GO 0001102 RNA polymerase II activating transcription factor binding ), why are we no longer able state that a transcription factor is activating or repressing in its activity?

How much curator judgement is appropriate?

i) PMID 12270142 [VK] - as K/O of TWIST decreases expression of CBFA1, from figs 1 and 2 could we annotate to

GO:0045944 positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter

- More generally, if a curator is trying to describe the up-regulation of a protein-encoding gene, then is it correct to assume that regulation of expression would necessarily be via the RNA polymerase II. We shouldn't need direct evidence demonstrating the involvement of RNA polymerase II in the experiment?

- Similarly, based on fig 3 could we annotate to:

GO:2000679 positive regulation of transcription regulatory region DNA binding

Is this correct or are there other terms that should have been used instead?

- How can we support curators in judging the part of the DNA region that is being bound, e.g. so that curators can more easily identify a proximal region? Could we include in the curation manuals a diagram of the promoter/regulatory regions which bind proteins - and identify the protein that bind to distinct regions? (perhaps from Karen's presentation, linked to this page?)

- How do you know where an element is located - if the authors do not specifically state it is located upstream? For instance, in this case (PMID:19342457) the element is stated as NOT being upstream, but instead in an intron - how should we capture this data?

How do I annotate to an MF term when the evidence comes from 2 (or more) papers?

The gene CUP9 is described in the literature as a transcriptional repressor, but there is no single paper that contains evidence that allows annotation to the term that seems like the best description of its function.

PMID:9427760 shows that CUP9 binds DNA (Fig 2B & brief discussion of figure on pp 271-2; the rest of the paper is irrelevant to this discussion). From this paper, we can make the annotation: RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding (GO:0000978) by IDA

PMID:18708352 shows that CUP9 interacts with CYC8(SSN6)/TUP1 (Fig 2B and text beginning with "To address this experimentally, we carried out a coimmunoprecipitation assay, using epitope-tagged SSN6 and CUP9 (Fig. 2B).". From this, we can make the annotation RNA polymerase II repressing transcription factor binding (GO:0001103) by IPI with CYC8 (aka SSN6).

Using these two pieces of evidence in combination, I come up with the term sequence-specific transcription regulatory region DNA binding RNA polymerase II transcription factor recruiting transcription factor activity (GO:0001133). Since neither these papers, or any others available for CUP9, show all the evidence for this term, we made the individual annotations above to capture the direct experimental evidence.