23 September 2014 PAINT Conference Call
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PAINT call minutes,Sept. 23, 2014
Participants: Huaiyu, Paul T., Pascale, Rama, Karen
PAINT call agenda
- Huaiyu sent the PAINT call reminder to the wrong email list, so most people did not attend the call.
- It was requested that an agenda should be sent out before the meeting.
- Huaiyu: The meeting is on the GO calendar. Unless there is an announcement that there is no meeting, it should be assumed that the meeting will go on. Huaiyu will create an agenda page on the wiki page with an agenda. People should fill in the agenda.
- Pascale felt that the call was too late in Swiss time.
- It was suggested to move the 8am on Tuesday. Since the 2nd and 4th week has annotation calls on Tuesday, it was suggested to move the meeting to the 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Huaiyu will send an email to the discussion list for input about the time change.
Family presentation PTHR13237
- The family was presented by Karen. It was originally curated by Marc. Since Marc was not at the call, some decisions were made without him. The discussion should be recorded in the notes of the family.
- Karen brought up a question about interontology link for the paint curation. It will be discussed further in the future.