Manager Call 2016-08-03

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Noctua Workshops

  • We have added columns to the USC Logistics page for people to indicate if they are interested in a workshop before or after the meeting.
  • The dates for the workshop in the Hixton are set. It will begin Aug 31, continue through Sept 1 and perhaps the morning of Sept 2. We need to know who will be attending so that we can firm up plans. Outside of UK - Paul T, Kimberly vA, David H, Judy B, Chris M, Seth C, Moni MT. Anyone else?


(Brought up by Moni)

  • Maintaining the current GO_REF file in SVN relies completely on input from a GOC member.
  • Need to move GO_REF to a more stable place.
  • Numerous URL redirects continue to prove a less than efficient system.
  • Proposal to move from current GO_REF to DOI record to ensure permanency.

All, please consider Moni's proposal above, add comments or alternative suggestions here, and we can discuss again in 2 weeks.

NAR paper

All, please add subjects to cover, paragraphs if you have at hand. Aim at having a full list of what we want to cover by August 15.


Attendees: Judy, Paul T, Moni, Paola. Minutes: Paola. Brief notes from the call can be found in the agenda above.