Manager Call 2017-11-01

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Call in info


Groups contacts

We need to know which is the correct file for group contacts and remove old files: or the yaml file ? OK resolved: Pascale has removed the old file and updated the current one.

Continue to review the action items from the GOC meeting


  • Data flow - Work with the users.
  • The priority is to push Noctua to the production level. Huaiyu suggested to use this project for a project management exercise. Pascale will work with Chris to set up deadlines for all requirements. Chris pointed out that there was no real requirement documents. Everything is in github tickets. There are two types of tickets: bugs and new features.
  • Would it be worth it to draw up a more formal requirements document? The original requirements document that we have for a common annotation tool was pre-Noctua, so it likely contains some of the functionality we need/have in Noctua, but there are new issues now that we are working with GO-CAM models. Perhaps a formal requirements doc would not be a bad idea here. We could link it to existing tickets but also use it as a guide for future development. --Kimberly
  • Also, some thoughts on existing github tickets and labels. I know we are wary, for good reason, of an over-proliferation of labels in github but it is currently quite difficult to find tickets that relate to a specific aspect or behavior of the tool. This makes it hard to know what has already been requested, and sometimes leads to redundancy of tickets. Can we come up with a reasonable list of labels, or some other mechanism, to classify tickets according to what aspect of the tool they are referring to, e.g. adding evidence, NEO, error checking, etc. --Kimberly
  • Noctua Priorities
  • Revised Noctua Documentation - In Progess
  • End-user tool (visualization)


  • We talked at Cambridge of scheduling a doc-athon for this winter.
  • Would early January work?
  • Where do we want to do this?
  • Attendees: Kimberly, David, Seth, Chris, ... ?

To be finished at the next manager call.

The other two items on the agenda were not discussed, and will be postponed to the next call.

Response to terms

Kimberly We propose to have a session at the NYC meeting in May, similar to the Signaling WS in Cambridge, to discuss how these terms are used.

How granular should the terms be?


Action points

  • Chris & Kimberly to add priorities and milestones in GitHub ticket for Noctua feature requests:

  • Chris and the dev team to produce a specification document
  • Kimberly to produce a requirements document for Noctua for the Noctua call next Wed
  • Kimberly & David to check with Seth if a few labels can be added to the Noctua repo for the Noctua call next Wed
  • Need to create a GO-CAM visualization WG: GO-CAM requirement: End-user tool (visualization): Seth has a prototype; Pombase has some visualization tool, see screenshot, Paul S (lower priority requirement)

  • Doodle Docathon - second week of Jan: 22-26th ?
  • Pascale: Ask Liz and Suzy for help about the GO-gift basket