Mar2010 ontology report
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Ontology Development Report - March 2010
I. Ontology Development
- Items opened: 127
- Items closed: 128
- Items still open: 239
- assigned: 150
- unassigned: 89
Completed content items
- Kidney development - the metanephros terms have been finished [Midori]
- Various SourceForge items
Content items in progress
- Signaling- working through the existing signaling terms to make them more consistent and fill in any gaps. Intracellular signaling terms, and regulation of signaling is on the agenda for the conference call next week. [Becky]
- Chemical_terms_in_GO - continuing to edit the GOCHE ontology (chemicals in GO) [David, Tanya, Jane & Harold]
- Further work in collaboration with with NIF (Neuroscience Information Framework) [Jane & Chris]
- Review of bp x bp internal cross-product set, see plan to add internal cross-products. [David & Tanya]
- Adding lots of transmembrane transport terms for Val's goslim mappings. [Becky]
- Standardizing the GO terms that contain the word 'during'. [David & Tanya]
- Quality control continues as usual - reports generated by Chris (cronjobs)
- Case studies for publication on "revisability" of GO, proposed and coordinated by Sabina Leonelli - in progress (Midori, Jane, Alex, Karen C)
Anything else
- Applications now closed for EBI GO curator position
- GO bibliography has 3164 entries