OEWG 20091001

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OBO-Edit Working Group, Thursday October 1st, 2009 8.30 a.m. PDT

Conference call details:
US: 1-888-727-6732
Outside US: 1-719-867-3417
pin: 601425

Agenda/Chair: Amina
Minutes: Amina
Attendees: Jen, Midori, DavidOS, Harold, Amina

Action items carried over


Discussion items

  • OBO-Edit at the GO Consortium meeting last week
    • Term generation plugin demo was useful in demonstrating working and was very well received by the community

Jen: Does not show the source Midori: The tool goes and finds everything Jen: most of the things we're searching i know the source Harold: boilerplate definition..standard way of saying things.. you have that boilerplate in front of you standard support

Amina discusses semantic parser manager working and improvements

  • Midoris xps presentation at the GO meeting
    • xps editor demo
  • Interoperability support agenda item at GO meeting
    • Chris said DONE

DavidOS: obo files load ok in protege
If you load owl files it mangles the ids etc
I dont know to what extent interoperability of OBO-Edit with OWL is required
The one built in to protege is not bad but messes up OBO Ids
Theres also a weird one built at stanford which is buried somewhere
The decisions and requirements for interoperability have to be clearly laid out

    • Short discussion about the GO grant renewal and speculation about tool development requirements

DavidOS: Ideas about OBO-Edit3 and how it should work with the owl world too, plugin for protege etc

  • Harold: application crashes when I first load it and then its fine the rest of the day

DavidOS: 2.1 is more crash prone than 2.0

DOS: switching between reasoners is really bad
Midori - using one reasoner and then switching it off
- off after done reasoning
Harold: im going to try doing it now

  • 2.1 Release pending documentation and verification manager fixes.


Jen: Wonders if this is a side effect of the way some components such as the Tree Viewer hide disjoint links in the display.
A quick test of the filters in the OTE shows disjoint links fine.
Amina: will investigate


Action Items

  • Semantic parser manager documentation, working and future plan
  • Reasoner bugs - cancel and switching between terms causes crashes
  • Investigate crashes looking at Harold's log file


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