Ontology meeting 2011-09-14
Becky and Paola will report on the apoptosis progress (we decided this can wait a couple of weeks until nearer implementation)
Discussion notes
Discussion notes - I
CHEBI xps implementation plan discussion (following CHEBI meeting immediately prior)
Action: Jane to organize second meeting in 4-6 weeks to check on CHEBI's plan for has_parts
Discussion notes - II
Annotation relations, qualifier column.
We're planning to include a default relationship between gp and GO term in the GAF file for GAF 2.1. These would be:
- CC: part_of
- BP: participates_in
- MF: actively_participates_in
Discussion notes - III
See discussion on: SF:3396697
We need to decide how to generate xps where term name is too generic.
Action: David will divide up file and send ~20 xps to each person
Discussion notes - IV
MENGO terms. Jane to give overview.
Discussion notes - V
- Add disjointness axioms for development cross-products:
Action: D&T to add disjoints and run reasoner in OE to see what happens