Ontology meeting 2012-01-04
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Discussion notes
Discussion notes I: Additional Relationships in Cellular Component
- Can we add new relationships from the Relation ontology to GO cellular component? including:
- E.g. acroblast derives_from Golgi apparatus ; GO:0005794 (may be able to be more specific)
- E.g. mitochondrial derivative ; GO:0016007 derives_from mitochondrion ; GO:0005739
- E.g. late endosome ; GO:0005770 derives_from early endosome ; GO:0005769
Also: Nebenkerns?
The current is_a relationships don't show this as well as we'd like
- E.g. nuclear membrane ; GO:0031965 adjacent_to cytoplasm ; GO:0005737
See [1]
- Wiki here: Protege_workshop
- The agenda is still fluid (don't be scared if there appears to be a lot of stuff, some of this will be trimmed down)
- Chris and Jane to report on workshop agenda, including whether David OS or anyone else will give demos/presentations, 'problems' to work through as a group, and list of softwares etc. that we'd need to have downloaded before the workshop begins.
- Note: everyone should make sure they have a working svn client before the meeting, as well as the software listed above
Discussion notes III: TERM GENIE 1
- We're all liking TG1.... thanks Heiko! One issue though, is that it won't allow 'regulation of x signaling pathway' terms, because these have a 'regulation of cellular process', and hence 'regulation of biological process' parent. I can see why this check is obviously in place, but is there a way round it?
Discussion notes IV:Disjoints
Task List