Ontology meeting 2015-08-06

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Minutes: Melanie

Wishlist for ontology GitHub

Any way of having an equivalent of the tracker update email sent daily to all GOC?

The old daily SF trackers update emails are still being sent to all GOC. Should we restrict to editors (for old ontology tracker) just to keep track in case someone still submits there? What about the annotation tracker? Or remove the jobs entirely?

Milestones, meant as provenance database, are currently captured as labels. Should we change this?

DOS: This was a weird abuse of the Milestone system on SourceForge 
 - I think inherited from an different field in previous version of SF.  
 Doesn't make sense to use the Milestone system on GitHub for this as it is for setting deadlines.  
 There are already labels for submitting groups. 

Related: Val writes in one of her recent tickets: "I don't appear to be able to edit labels, please add cell cycle/PomBase". Does this means that only core editors can select labels for tickets? If so, we should make it part of our routine when on SF, we don't all/always do it.

 DOS: cell cycle and PomBase exist as separate labels.  Should combine.
 [Paola] Sorry for the misunderstanding. I meant that Val appears not to have permission to add labels at all. Is this the case for all submitters? (Pls. do not combine labels.)

Plus any necessary follow up to items mentioned here: http://wiki.geneontology.org/index.php/Ontology_meeting_2015-07-30#Transition_to_GitHub

(1) Github Paola: used to be able to assign priorities in SF. Can we do this in Git? Chris: set up 2 tables, low and high priority. Existing ones above 5 got high priority. Paola: looks like nb of issues are low, only 4 for cell cycle for example David: we should try to standard, and merge things? e.g. NTR and new term requests <some label cleanup> Paola will go through other ones.

Chris to give quick overview at GOC meeting of how Github works.

Paola: daily email for annotation and ticket trackers from SF have been empty - good. Do we want to keep the jobs nonetheless in case someone uses them? Heiko: make it a weekly email, only to GO editors.

Paola: “milestones” not used properly in SF. We want to have separate labels to indicate provenance. Chris: Milestones are supported by Github <quick demo of milestones from Synapse project>

David: @mention. @ include people so they’re notified about the ticket. You can mention any ticket with a #. Paola: we’re missing some people in the JSON file (which lists all members)

Paola: question about labels.Val asks about adding PomBase or cell cycle to her tickets - is she not able to do that? Permission issue? Heiko: It’s a feature of GitHub. Chris/David: once she’s added to a team with appropriate rights she can add labels herself Paola: no CACAO label

Chris to create an "annotator team” and email them to mention the “unwatch” option.

Paola: if you search the GO main website, there a 9 results with SF. Chris: Rama was looking at this.

AI from last week: Chris will dump all SF attachments under SVN somewhere Github guidance: useful to send something by email. Chris could send slides post-meeting. update tracker links - should we just use PURLs? Too much work to create a PURL for each tracker. Chris suggests to make one page with a list of all trackers instead. Chris will setup a PURL for the ontology tracker.

MF refactoring

Finish review Paul's emailed outline. Got to point 11 last time (DOS to present).

Follow-up: Intersections vs. relationships in children of 'protein complex'


Follow-up: no more merges

See http://wiki.geneontology.org/index.php/Ontology_meeting_2015-07-16#Follow-up:_no_more_merges

Jira tickets

Time for our periodic review of Jira tickets, especially unassigned ones. Please go through JIRA issues in advance of meeting. We will aim to devote about 20' of the call to discuss Jira tickets.
