Ontology meeting 2015-08-20

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Attendees: Paola, Melanie, David H, Heiko, Harold, Tanya, Paul T, Chris

Minutes: Paola

Review Trello board for Ontology group


Follow-up: Intersections vs. relationships in children of 'protein complex' - BUMPED TO GO MEETING


Follow-up: no more merges

See http://wiki.geneontology.org/index.php/Ontology_meeting_2015-07-16#Follow-up:_no_more_merges

Heiko can’t complete his AI until the OWL API changes. That’s more of a display issue. 
There’s an AmiGO ticket assigned to Heiko for that.
At the moment, some editors (e.g. David H) are still using the 'old' strategy and merging terms in OBO-Edit.
Merging in Protege is still not straightforward.

Jira tickets - BUMPED

Time for our periodic review of Jira tickets, especially unassigned ones. Please go through JIRA issues in advance of meeting. We will aim to devote about 20' of the call to discuss Jira tickets.
