Ontology meeting 2017-01-12
Bluejeans: https://bluejeans.com/164681006
Update from Melanie on EBI editors status
The following labels were created/used on the ontology tracker at https://github.com/geneontology/go-ontology/issues:
* curator-request (Paul indicated those should be highest priority) * MF refactoring * wrapping-up (non trivial work has already been done on ticket by PR, DOS or MC it'd be more efficient for one of them to close it instead of passing it on) * low priority
and labels indicating estimated time:
* time low (<2h) * time medium (requires discussion with submitter but feasible in a day if communication fast enough) * time high (>1 day) * time unknown (external dependencies)
Based on this, we anticipate that Paola and Melanie should be able to wrap their tickets up, though some are dependent on external efforts and therefore remain uncertain. David has 106 tickets open, including 41 curator requests which we agreed should take priority. Based on his current workload, he is aiming at coordinating an MF refactoring work week early February, possibly coordinating with Phil Lord and Robert Stevens who he mentioned are working on a refactoring proposal as well.
Tickets for discussion at this meeting:
See https://github.com/geneontology/go-ontology/projects/1, column labeled "Ontology Call January 12, 2017" on the right
- Move editors file to this repo on GitHub
- Contact for UniProt annotations
- Protege documentation needs updating and ID issue
- Ghost relations in the OBO file
- Bridging ChEBI to Pro
- Merge directly_activates/inhibits relations into directly_positively/negatively_regulates
Is anyone else having trouble using the OBO annotation plug-in in Protege 5.0.0?