Adding Terms and Regenerating the Import Files

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 See Ontology_Editors_Daily_Workflow for creating branches and basic Protégé instructions.

Adding terms to import files

Terms are imported to GO from other ontologies, but not all terms from external ontologies are imported. Occasionally, you will find that a valid identifier exists in an external ontology, but the identifier is not available in Protege because that term is not yet imported. To import a term from an external ontology:

  1. Navigate to the imports folder on GitHub, located at
  2. Look in the list of ontologies for the ontology that contains the term you wish to import.
  3. Identify the ontology_terms.txt file for the target ontology. For example, for the addition of a new taxon, the file can be found at
  4. Click on the icon of a pencil in the upper right corner of the window to edit the file.
  5. Add the new term on the next available line at the bottom of the file.
  6. Click preview changes.
  7. Ideally create a new branch and a pull request as described in the Ontology_Editors_Daily_Workflow.
  Note that you can also edit the file in your local machine and commit as part of the same branch as the ontology changes.  
 See Ontology_Editors_Daily_Workflow for commit, push and merge instructions.

Regenerating import files

  1. Install docker [1] on your local machine
  2. Create a new branch for regenrating the import: git checkout -b chebi-import-2018-09-10
  3. The command for regenrating imports is: ./ make imports/something_import.owl
  4. Once the file is regenerated, sanity check it with a git diff
  5. If all looks good, commit the new file and push it to origin.
  6. Create a pull request. If all checks pass, merge.

Review Status

Last reviewed: May 24, 2017

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