Has small molecular inhibitor

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Identifies a chemical substance that decreases the activity of the gene product.


This relation should not be used to annotate one gene product regulating another's activity; a regulator Molecular Function or regulation Biological Process should be used in such cases.


activity_decreased_by (EXACT)

inhibited_by_chemical (EXACT)

inhibited_by_substance (EXACT)

Child terms

  • None.

Scope of use


GO:0003674 ! molecular_function


CHEBI:24431 ! chemical entity

Annotation Extension Usage Examples

Gene Name (col 2) GO ID (col 5) Reference (col 6) Evidence (col 7) With (col 8) Annotation Extension (col 16)

Using examples to demonstrate Folding_and_Unfolding using the relationship inhibited_by

Folded/unfolded DB (Col 2) Object (Col 3) GO ID (Col 5) Reference (Col 6) Extension (Col 16) Parent terms for new folded GO term

OWL class expression:

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