Annotation consistency : ISS Usage
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From 22ndFeb2010 Jamboree discussion [1] When can you ISS to a complex term? Do people make ISS annotations to complexes? If so what are your criteria? For many groups, this set of papers was a nice example of when researchers seem to regard a fact as common knowledge (in this case that NIBPL orthologs are part of the cohesin loading complex), even when it hasn't been explicitly demonstrated. This left many curators in a situation where they would have liked to ISS to the human or yeast data, but were unsure exactly what was acceptable practice. It was suggested that if all components of the complex are conserved, then it is appropriate to make an ISS. When you're using an ISS in this way, you can use internal GO reference number 24. Based on this policy, it's important to try to include a list of complex members in complex term definitions, whenever possible. It was also suggested that, if people don't want to do this ISS themselves, they can just wait for the PAINT propagation.