GO-CAM Research
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GO-CAM models are based on the semantic annotation and combination of biological facts. Each fact or statement corresponds to a standard GO Annotation, that is a Gene associated to a GO-Term. To read more about standard GO annotations, click here.
GO-CAM relies on the Gene Ontology to define a controlled set of vocabulary and enable curators to create structured biological facts, also called annotations. GO-CAM combines those single biological facts to describe and define larger biological processes. Each biological fact can be written as.a triplet <subject - predicate - object> and a model, as a collection of triplets, can be stored in TTL file.
The curators use the platform Noctua to create these GO-CAM models. Noctua is the front-end, currently written with mustache and pup-tent, and allows for the creation of workbenches (end-user UI to access and manipulate the models in different ways)
First Steps
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