Manager 2Jun10

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Agenda: Jane, Judy, Suzi, David, Chris, Pascale

Minutes: Pascale

Phone passCode: 801-561

Action items

  • All managers to provide detailed goals and timetable of the work they plan to accomplish (1) in the next 6 month (end of 2010) and (2) in 2011.
  • (In July) The mailing lists for the GO camp will be deleted and further discussions will take place on the Annotation email list.
  • Protein Complexes, resource allocation, PRO/GO synergy (Follow up from last meeting). We need to establish the respective roles of each group. This should probably be an action item (was not assigned to anyone last time).
  • GO_ext file - Jane will re-organize the downloads page to highlight this file. She will bring this up with Chris/Seth to highlight it within AmiGO.
    • DONE.

Discussion items

  • At the last meeting we decided to use Connotea to maintain 'GO PUBs' collection on GO web site. A student in Judy's group will be able to help setting that up. After the first 'upload' it should be easy to maintain. Is there an update on this item?
  • Annotation QC checks using inter-ontology links. We want to suggest at the annotation camp that whilst annotating, annotators should collect suggestions for new inter-ontology links (e.g. reaction A that is only ever part_of pathway B) and these be collected somewhere centrally. These suggested links could then be used as a QC check over the ontology, in much the same way that the taxon restrictions are used now (e.g are all gps that are annotated to reaction A also annotated to pathway B). Only once we have established that these links are good - i.e. don't generate false positives would we add them to the ontology. These would be just one part of an 'engine' of annotation QC checks - in addition to taxon there will be evidence code rules etc. We need a point person to collect and run all these checks (not Chris!). [Jane & Emily]
  • We've been approached (via Sandra Orchard) by Mario Albrecht from Max Planck Institute - there are a group of researchers interested in improving the terms and annotations (human) relating to synaptic processes (see email). This would be great but we have no ontology developer time available for the foreseeable future. How best to proceed? [Jane & David]