Manager 6November2013

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Revision as of 12:41, 6 November 2013 by Vanaukenk (talk | contribs)
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Agenda Items

Present: Rama, Rachael, David, Kimberly, Chris, Pascale, Huaiyu, Judy, Suzi

  • Can we allow use of both a published paper and a GO_REF in the same annotation? Cardinality of the reference field can be >1, but the annotation documentation only refers to cases where a publication has identifiers in different databases, e.g. PubMed and a MOD database. I'd like to include a GO_REF for the WormBase Phenotype2GO-based annotations, but also still include the original publication from which the phenotype information was curated. The GO_REF would explain the methodology used to create the resulting Biological Process annotation. [Kimberly]
    • Good idea. We can create a new subclass of IMP in ECO and use the gaf to eco mapping (which takes a evidence code + reference pair and maps it to an evidence type). But really we need a way to represent combinatorial evidence. This is analogous to F->P and P->C inferences, where we embed the fact an inference was made using assigned_by=GOC, which is not ideal.
  • BioCurator Meeting - What are GO's plans for the meeting?
    • Would be good to have a coordinated set of talks - start a wiki page for ideas?
    • Submit a paper for the Database issue? Just abstracts?
    • Who is going to the meeting?

Action Item:Add abstract deadline to GO calendar - DONE [Suzi]

Papers - November 15th

Abstract for Posters - February

Action Item:Create wiki page for ideas.

Ideas: enrichment analysis strategies, MGI's phenotype to BP pipeline, apoptosis

  • Chris, Seth have added a Plug-in for the Wiki that will force you to add a category for any new page.