Ontology meeting 2014-01-23

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Follow-up: Website documentation - ontology related pages

We need to split up review and editing content jobs. Basic formatting is mostly done. Push next week to do as much as possible. Need to be ready by GOC meeting.

Google doc

Note: some pages can be seen in two ways:  
1. documentation for editors on maintaining the ontology or 
2. documentation for biologists on what relationships, etc. mean.
In any event: pick/assign yourself a page to work on by the end of today.
If original document as images, put a tag IMAGE where is should go in the new page.

Follow-up: Assert inferences job

David OS put his notes together in a Google doc:


How direct does regulation have to be to justify a regulates relationship?

These inferred links result from regulates relationships that have been in GO for some time.

ADD GO:0007272 'ensheathment of neurons' GO:0051969 'regulation of transmission of nerve impulse' ADD GO:0007272 'ensheathment of neurons' GO:0098900 'regulation of action potential'

Paola notes: The ensheathment has an effect on action potential and therefore impulse transmission, but it's not a type of regulation, it's a separate process... what do you think? DOS: The regulating effect is clearly quite indirect (via changing the electrical environment of the membrane) - but do we have guidance on how direct regulation of a process has to be before we make a relationship? The documentation on regulation does not make this clear.

Paola will remove the link between GO:0007272 and GO:0051969 and GO:0098900

Should regulation of quality and regulation of biological process be disjoint?

If so, the hierarchy will need much untangling as many terms are under both.

(DPH) No. In almost all cases, once we know enough we will find that regulating a quality will be the result of regulating a process.

(DOS) OK. Thinking about it I can see how this could be true, but I'm not sure it is necessarily true. (To be fair, you did write 'in almost all cases'). Right now we have action potential as a process that regulates membrane potential (a quality). I'm not sure it does so by regulating a process, rather parts of the process (the flow of ions through membrane channels) result in changes to this quality. So perhaps it is still worth adding declarations of disjointness further down the hierarchy.

Megafile update

Notes from yesterday: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zjE0nLB_Kw8q6XoHG8wSmOMzrEYeNYgscrVKGHZaJo4/edit#

Chris has tested; DPH also.

Protege Plugin for OBO related data

Chris has started to spec out the requirements for a new Protege Plugin.

The main task is to provide a concise and useful representation of OBO-relevant annotation properties (label, def, synonyms, ...).

The plugin itself will not be OBO-specific, but will provide a default mode for OBO (GO?). Here is the current out-line/discussion: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17tph3jwrDGEaa7DyYPOK8HCi2dCDdJxi3VrTWNQpbqc/edit?pli=1#

Draft formalisation of multi-species annotation


There are two versions. The first is probably best. The second doesn't make individuals for classes and as a result uses some odd nominalisation patterns in the class expressions.

OWL files implementing these examples are here:


Have a look at the query classes. Can you think of any more useful queries?

One piece of formalisation I feel unsure about right now: I'm wondering whether we need to have the relationship between gene product and organism be 'encoded by' rather than 'expressed in' or 'expressed by'. In the case of viruses - it is arguably the host that does the expressing.

A second issue: I'd like to make this consistent with the formalisation we're working on in PCO - I still think we need some kind of formal bridge between NCBI taxon and organism terms in CARO2/PCO. I guess this could be a simple as making an equivalence mapping between the root of NCBI taxonomy and some term for an individual organism (or organism, virus or viroid).

Also to discuss - how this fits with Lego.

Ontology Development project about Ubiquitination

Seems there has been lots of discussion internally and there are other groups that would like to see improvements in this area.

Mike Livingston has noted that curators from BIND have found inadequacies in our representation of Ubiquitination. 
We may need experts (if need be, do we need a content meeting).

Import vs transmembrane transport

Stemming from https://sourceforge.net/p/geneontology/ontology-requests/10621/