Ontology meeting 2016-06-16
Regrets: Tanya
ETINEs update
Report on work done during the past week.
- [x] Using information in [etines.tsv](https://github.com/geneontology/go-ontology/blob/master/refactoring_inference_pipeline/etines.tsv), strip 'inferred-from=true tag where status = 1 and manual =1. This needs to be scripted.
ETINE processing: Old file used! (DOS: my fault!) Need to either roll back or project the list of S=1 and M=1 etines onto the current ontology.
Changes to inference pipeline:
- [x] Move (tagged) inferred classifications to an imported file https://github.com/ontodev/robot/issues/66 https://github.com/ontodev/robot/pull/81 - [x] Ensure classifications are tagged https://github.com/ontodev/robot/issues/67 https://github.com/ontodev/robot/pull/81 - [x] switch off assertion in TG (or TBD: change TG architecture) @hdietze - (Better to generate the assertions, but push the imported file?) - Treat relaxation to relationship differently to actual inference? Should these actually be in the editor's file? They don't come in via other routes anymore? - [ ] sign off from all editors that they have updated their OE config - [ ] @dosumis - [ ] @mcourtot - [ ] @paolaroncaglia - [ ] @tberardini - [ ] @ukemi - [x] modify jenkins job build.berkeleybop.org/view/GO/job/build-go-assert-inferences - Runs with every commit, and regenerates go_inferences.obo - [x] ensure redundant axioms are only removed from release files, never editors: https://github.com/ontodev/robot/issues/16 - Note - It should be possible to devise a safe redundancy stripping mechanism for the editors file once we can easily separate instantiated inferences. - [ ] Add more documentation about how editing practises will change = OE setup @dosumis
To discuss
1. How often inference happens
- Should inference happen automatically at every commit, or do we want to retain the reporting step?
- Current new setting is automatic at every commit. There is an ~ 30' lag from commit to the change, so eds won't see this until they update again.
2. How do editors track changes: Diffs on inference file???
Xrefs to Reactome
Looks like this wasn't fully addressed yet. See email thread here: