Ontology meeting 2018-06-25

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Conference Line


Editors Discussion

Project Update

Rhea-Reactome_GO alignment--- https://github.com/geneontology/go-ontology/projects/10

Regenerate Imports File

We continue to have issues with imported files. Although we can modify the import files, this isn't really a solution.

Obsoletion plugin for Protege

Please add you Protege versions and the plugin you have here.

Barbara- Protege 5.2.0
David- Protege 5.1.0
Harold- Protege 5.1.0

Ontology Documentation

Pascale, David and Kimberly have been working on standardizing the ontology documentation to make it align with the documentation work that Kimberly and Pascal have been doing for other areas of GO. Specifically, we have moved the official documentation to the wiki and have arranged the wiki in a way that is similar to the annotation section. We are now going through the documentation to check it for accuracy and to be sure it is up to date.

Ontology Developers' workshop possibility- Geneva in September?

  • David, Pascale and Kimberly will discuss possible dates and make a doodle poll.

GH project link



  • On call: Barbara, Ben, Chris, David, Harold, Karen, Kimberly, Laurent-Philippe, Pascale