Planned changes to the IEA GO REFs cited by UniProtKB.

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Revision as of 10:23, 4 January 2012 by Edimmer (talk | contribs)
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Scheduled change to the GO_REF references applied by UniProtKB Keyword and UniProtKB Subcellular Location 2 GO annotations

We would like to alert users to an intended change in the references supplied in annotations from two UniProtKB automatic annotation pipelines.

Annotations created from mappings between GO and the UniProtKB keywords and UniProtKB Subcellular Location controlled vocabularies currently cite the GO reference GO_REF:0000004 and GO_REF:0000023, respectively.

However, terms from these UniProtKB controlled vocabularies are applied differently to UniProt Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL entries;

  • UniProtKB terms are manually annotated to UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries
  • UniProtKB/TrEMBL entries are annotated from data supplied by the underlying nucleic acid databases and/or by the UniProt automatic annotation program.

We intend to change the cited references in the supplied GO annotations to highlight these differences and use these in future UniProt-GOA releases.

Therefore, from the February 2012 release onwards, the UniProt-GOA annotation set will use: GO_REF:0000037 or GO_REF:0000038 instead of GO_REF:0000004 for UniProtKB keyword annotations GO_REF:0000039 or GO_REF:0000040 instead of GO_REF:0000023 for UniProtKB Subcellular Location annotations

Further descriptions all of these references are available at:

However, GO_REF:0000004 and GO_REF:000023 have been updated and will continue to be available to use where groups are carrying out their own UniProtKB keyword or UniProtKB Subcellular Location 2 GO mapping

Change intended to spkw2go mapping file name

New GO_REFs to be created and used when UniProt-GOA has changed any IEA annotation from one of the InterPro2GO, HAMAP2GO, UniProtkw2go or UniProt SPSL2GO mappings