Projects update meeting 2024-09-25
- Members: Chris, Kimberly, Pascale, Seth, Suzi, Jim, Huaiyu, Cynthia, Paul
- Present: Kimberly, Pascale, Seth, Suzi, Jim, Cynthia, Paul
- Regrets: Paul, Chris, Huaiyu
Discussion points
Noctua Update
- New Form in now on Production
- Karen submitted several tickets, Kimberly was wondering why she didn't send the feedback back in August when she requested feedback on the tool. Cynthia to check
- Bug: NOT not working. Strange because it was working on dev; but Tremayne changed something about the architecture, which broke the NOT. Disappointing that the tested software is not the one that made it to prod.
- Asked Suzi for tomorrow's Noctua outage to specifically test the Negation, to make sure this time it's working.
- Question: what to do next ? Bug fixes/enhancements in the Form? VPE improvements?