Web Presence Working Group: Testing Guide

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Things to Remember

Beyond checking functionality and correctness of the results, here are some other things to keep in mind while testing:

  • Travel paths that are less travelled and use inputs that you might not normally use
  • Do things quicker/more carelessly than usual
  • Opening multiple sessions or windows and juggling between them
  • Clicking multiple controls and backtracking
  • How do things work in other web browsers; is it accessible

Another thing to try is fuzz testing. Basically trying random inputs in an effort to break the program. This would be random things in the URL and inputs. Usually this is automated, but we probably won't have something like that until more of the new AmiGO framework is written.

Along a similar vein is actively trying to break the system given that some of the internal structure is known. This can include things like entering MySQL statements (the bottom layer of AmiGO) in order to try and trick AmiGO into executing an inappropriate statement. Errors found along these lines are very important for the developers to fix quickly.

Finally, there is load testing; where you might try and overload the system. This probably won't be very useful or informative while running on the toy server.

Sites to Test


MacOS 10.4, FireFox; also tested in Sarafi 3.0.4

1. http://toy.lbl.gov:9012/cgi-bin/amigo/browse.cgi?closed=GO%3A0008150&open_1=all&ont=all&speciesdb=TAIR&tree_view=full&session_id=3052amigo1196362971&action=filterBar Chart Viewer: when setting the filter to a certain database, for example TAIR, then click to generate Bar Chart, got the following message. Is this a bug or currently AmiGO cannot perform this function? "fatal message Unfortunately AmiGO cannot create a bar chart with the current filter settings. Remove filters and try again."

2. http://toy.lbl.gov:9012/cgi-bin/amigo/term-chart.cgi?term=all&session_id=3052amigo1196362971 There are 2 gene products associated with 'obsolete_biological_process ; obsolete_biological_process'. When clicking the 2 gene products, the message says no gene products because the term in obsolete.

Everything else I tested works fine.