XP:biological process xp cell

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Logical definitions for GO Biological Processes using OBO-Cell. These were sourced from auto-generated results, but then vetted manually. They may still be incomplete. The relations used may also change. osteoblast differentiation = cell differentiation THAT results_in_acquisition_of_features_of osteoblast


XPs defining biological processes in terms of cells; example:

 id: GO:0001555 ! oocyte growth
 intersection_of: GO:0040007 ! growth
 intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of CL:0000023 ! oocyte

i.e. oocyte growth = growth THAT results_in_developmental_progression_of oocyte

See the go/scratch/xps directory

This xp file has been registered in the OBO xps metadata so it is available here:

Missing Link Report:

Other reports:

These will be examined after the NIAID cell ontology meeting (many involve immunology)


See XP:Meetings

The first pass of bp_xp_cell used a relatively minimal set of relations based on has_participant. However, this set did not prove to be enough to provide necessary and sufficient conditions. We are now using a wider set from ro_proposed